Our Beliefs

We seek to know and worship our Savior and Lord in the same way that His earliest followers did, which necessarily means that we must forsake the traditions of man, and observe the traditions of Yah the way those believers did. We must understand how they approached their faith--not through the way of the "church," but through the way of the tabernacle.

Salvation comes by believing, through faith, in Yahoshua the Messiah. Such belief is not based on any manmade formulas or prayers, nor does salvation come through obedience to any written set of rules and regulations. That's right . . . obeying the Ten Commandments, or any rules, will not bring a lost person any closer to his Creator!

If the Holy Spirit has not yet personally confirmed that you are a child of Yah (Romans 8:16), don't trust any of the manmade marketing tools that tell you that Yah will send you to hell because you are breaking a written set of rules and regulations. That is a ploy that is designed to get you to join a club--to give people "big results" for which they can brag to their fellow club members. Yah tells us in Colossians 2:14 that He removed the penalty of His written law.

Yah's salvation is a gift, and you cannot do anything to earn it. Salvation doesn't come by your works, nor are your works necessary to keep salvation. Think about it. What kind of gift would it be if you had to work at something, like changing things about you, in order to earn it? That wouldn't be a gift. That would be salvation through your own works--and there is absolutely NO number of laws you could ever obey to earn salvation. Salvation comes by believing in Messiah Yahoshua and confessing Him before everyone you know--without EVER shrinking back from it. Those who do that SHALL BE SAVED by the will of the Father, and in His time.

And, that is the salvation we'd like to share with you . . . the genuine gift that Christ made possible through His sacrifice on the cross. The perfect example of that gift is the way of the thief; his salvation came through his belief, not through his changing the way he lived. Will salvation change your life? Absolutely. Will we give you a list of rules by which you must abide? That's not our job. We will just help you learn how to hear the Holy Spirit, for it is He who tells us what Yah's will is.

But, be warned! We don't look like any "church" you've ever attended. And, there's a reason for that. We are not a "church." We are part of the bride, a local part of the ekklesia. We do not follow the traditions of man that most of the "church" follows. We seek only to follow Yahoshua, and His ways.

We fellowship and study the scriptures together on Fridays at 7:00 PM (Eastern). For more information, click here.








But now in Yahoshua the Messiah you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall, by abolishing in His flesh the enmity, which is the Law of commandments contained in ordinances, so that in Himself He might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile them both in one body to Yah through the cross, by it having put to death the enmity. Ephesians 2:13-16